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Cataloxy Bend...Companies in BendEducation, Training & OrganizationsEducation and trainingSchools and academies, arts and performing artsCentral Oregon School Of Ballet

Central Oregon School Of Ballet

COSB has been specializing in Pre-Professional Ballet Instruction in Bend, OR Since 1981. Classes are offered for children ages 5+, teens, adults, pre-professional dancers, and professionals in Central Oregon. December 6 - 8 at Bend High Auditorium Central Oregon School of Ballet is home to the longest running | Central Oregon School of Ballet

Dancing Instruction The Owner of Central Oregon School Of Ballet is Sigmond Sawiel Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Central Oregon School of Ballet is home to the longest running Nutcracker in Bend, OR

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Central Oregon School Of Ballet in Bend you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1981

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 Address: 1155 Sw Division St Ste B11
97702, Bend, Oregon

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